Monday, 9 April 2012

Is Imam Bukhari actually mentioned in the Sahi Bukhari????

I always used to think that is a personality as Holy as Imam Bukhari mentioned anywhere in the religous texts, was there any prophecy about him.

When I tried to find out I came across a piece of text in the Bukhari wherein Imam Bukhari has actually and very clearly been mentioned. In this text Imam Bukhari has been refered to atleast 6 times.

Now why this narration has not been publicized and propagated is a matter of investigation.

I quote the piece of text with its reference below

Volume 1, Book 5, Number 277:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

It is written that, 'The (people of) Bani Israel used to take bath naked (all together) looking at each other. The Imam Bukhari used to take a bath alone. They said, 'By Allah! Nothing prevents  Imam Bukhari  from taking a bath with us except that he has a scrotal hernia.' So once  Imam Bukhari  went out to take a bath and put his clothes over a stone and then that stone ran away with his clothes.  Imam Bukhari  followed that stone saying, "My clothes, O stone! My clothes, O stone! till the people of Bani Israel saw him and said, 'By Allah,  Imam Bukhari  has got no defect in his body.  Imam Bukhari  took his clothes and began to beat the stone." Abu Huraira added, "By Allah! There are still six or seven marks present on the stone from that excessive beating." 

Now I know that all the lovers of Imam Bukhari will be very upset with me for writing such a post.

Now Bukhari has written such a post about a prophet (I would not like to name the prophet.)

Shocked !!!!!!

Thats what that bastard has written. I request the reader to think without prejudice and with a neutral mind. How can a book which derogates a prophet be Sahi.?????, and how can  Bukhari be a respectable personality.???

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