"Once I was with Imam Reza (as) that Aba Jafar Imam Muhammad Taqi (as) came. His (as) age was less that 4 years. He (as) struck his hands on the ground and raised his head towards the sky and thought for long."
Then Imam Reza (as) said, "By my self, What are you thinking for so long?"
Imam Taqi (as) said, "I am thinking regarding my (grand) mother Fatema (sa). By Allah (swt), I want to remove those two (abu bakr and umar), burn those two and blow away their remains in the sea."
Imam Reza (as) then kissed him between his eyes (on the forehead) and said, "My father and mother be sacrificed for you. For you is the Imamate."
Then Imam Reza (as) said, "By my self, What are you thinking for so long?"
Imam Taqi (as) said, "I am thinking regarding my (grand) mother Fatema (sa). By Allah (swt), I want to remove those two (abu bakr and umar), burn those two and blow away their remains in the sea."
Imam Reza (as) then kissed him between his eyes (on the forehead) and said, "My father and mother be sacrificed for you. For you is the Imamate."
[Source: Bihar al Anwar vol.50 pg.59 / Dalail Al Imamah Pg.212]
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