Friday, 20 April 2012

Verses of Quran revealed for AbuBakr(la) and Umar (la) --Part 2

Here are another few verses of the Holy Quran reveled in praise of the Master of the Faithless Abu Bakar (la) and Umar (la).
Read Enjoy and Be happy

It is narrated from abu ‘Abd Allah (as) about the words of Allah, the Most High.

"Those who have reverted to disbelief after guidance has become manifest to them, . ." .(47:25)

The Imam (DivineSupremeCovenantBody) said, "They are so and so and so and so who reverted from the faith in rejecting Leadership of Ali (DivineSupremeCovenantBody) with Divine Authority."

I then asked about the words of Allah, the Most High, ". . . This is because they have said to those who hate Allah's revelation, ‘We shall obey you in certain matters . . .’" (47:26)

The Imam (DivineSupremeCovenantBody) said, "By Allah, it was revealed about the two of them and their followers. To this the words of Allah, the Most Majestic, the Most Gracious, that Jibril brought to Muhammad (s.a) refer, ‘this is because they have said to those who hate Allah's revelation, (about Leadership with Divine Authority of Ali (DivineSupremeCovenantBody), "We shall obey you in certain matters . . .’" (47:26)

The Imam (DivineSupremeCovenantBody) said, "They made an agreement with the Amawids not to allow the leadership come to us after The Holy Prophet (s.a) not to pay us the one fifth taxes. They said, ‘If we give to them (Ahl al-Bayt) the onefifth taxes their needs will be met, they (Ahl al-Bayt) then will not think of their leadership as threatened. The other (party, Amawids) said, "We will obey you in certain matters that you want us to obey, such as the one fifth taxes. We will not pay it to them."

His words that read, " . . . Who hate Allah's revelation, . . ." refers to Amir al-Mu’minin Ali’s (DivineSupremeCovenantBody) Leadership with Divine Authority over the creatures. With them was abu ‘Ubayda, their scribe. Allah has said, "If the unbelievers persist in their disbelief, We shall also persist in punishing them (43:79). Do they think that We do not hear their secrets and whispers? We certainly can hear them and Our Messengers record it all." (43:80)

Source: Al Kaafi - The Book about People with Divine Authority, Ch.108, H.43

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